Jenni Ohnstad, Nashville-based freelance brand strategist and graphic designer at her desk in her office.

Looking for branding and design with depth?

I partner with you to illuminate the heart of your brand and increase its visibility, so you can make a bigger impact on your community.

Nashville Brand expert logo sketches

Results you can count on

Design that visualizes your values so you can connect to your ideal audience.

Easy-to-understand design frameworks that allow your team to market your organization consistently.

Strengthen your nonprofit so all of your leaders and departments speak as one voice, both visually and in your messaging.

Let me use my 20 years of nonprofit design experience to help you make a bigger impact on your community.

New branding can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

Have you been a one-person marketing team for a while?

It can be hard to handle ALL the things—messaging, emails, social media, publications, mailings, public relations, AND design.

If you’re like most nonprofits I know, the last thing you have time for is new branding or design—reworking what was done last year is all you can handle.

Have you had the same logo for seven years or more? Does your marketing feel muddled and out-of-date? I’m guessing you are not connecting with your ideal audience as well as you used to.

Sound familiar?

Most organizations think the fix to their tired branding is simply a new logo.

The truth is, a new identity without a values framework to support it is like frosting a cardboard cake. It looks pretty but has no substance. Without brand strategy, your communications will fall flat with your ideal audience.

Here’s the secret to a brand that inspires:
visualizing your values.
Let me explain…

Brand moodboard and brand values

Most people agree that a logo is an important part of branding, but fewer understand why brand strategy is important.

Brand strategy and design help you:

  • understand the values that are the pillars of your brand

  • communicate your values effectively to your ideal audience

  • visualize your values in a way that supports your message

  • create a framework of visual consistency

How can I be so sure?

For many years, I did not offer strategy, and designed fairly decent logos. I relied on the client to provide me with the insight I needed. Many times I would get vague answers or none at all, and I had to rely on instinct to design something that fit. Often it would take many rounds to hone in on the right look, which was frustrating for both client and designer.

Now, with brand strategy in hand, I can confidently offer one strong visual solution with minimal back-and-forth. The logo truly fits the brand, and I provide color and typography palettes that amplify your brand values and messaging while helping you stand out from the competition.

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville's 60th Anniversary book.

Invest in your brand, unlock these results…

  • You communicate with more confidence

  • You reach more clients, increase engagement, and inspire loyalty when your organization speaks from a set of shared values

  • Design decisions are easier with a Brand Guide, and consistent visuals make you more recognizable to your audience.

  • Your increased visibility means you can make a BIGGER impact on your community.

current and past clients


work with me

Design Services

 The Business of Branding

How Design is going to get you results
Luminea Opt In Image.png

Learn How Color Can Amplify Your Brand Voice

Identifying colors that reinforce your brand’s values is a key step in clarifying your brand’s visual voice. Discover how color affects your audience!

Jenni Ohnstad–Nashville Brand Strategist and Designer
 My Philosophy

Partners in Design

As someone who has worked in the nonprofit space for over 20 years, I know how it feels to work with conflicting priorities and limited budgets. I believe in a collaborative design process, one where we partner together to uncover solutions that connect with your audience. I’m invested in solving problems with you, not merely executing a design brief. Are you ready to get started?